Saturday, February 27, 2010


The Relief Society birthday party is this Wednesday, March 3rd, at 6:30 p.m. The theme is “Spice up the seasons of your life”.  Dinner will be served and nursery will be provided.  Come have a great time and wonderful food.
The annual BYU Women’s Conference will be April 29th & 30th.  The theme is “Choose Ye This Day to Serve the Lord.”  For more information and registration go to:
We have a date for the dry pack cannery on March 17th at 3:30 to 5:00 pm.  Think about which 3 products you would like to do so Valerie can let the cannery know. 

With rushing winds and gloomy skies The dark and stubborn Winter dies: Far-off, unseen, Spring faintly cries, Bidding her earliest child arise; March! 
~ Bayard Taylor

“Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush.” 
  ~ Doug Larson

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Hyde Park Stake Women’s Conference will be February 20, from 9:00 am to 1:30 pm.  Keynote Speaker will be Patricia Bachman who is a Logan Temple Matron. Mini Classes will be:  
Seeking Spiritual Guidance from Patriarchal Blessings
Patriarch Vincent Erickson
Seeking Spiritual Guidance from the Scriptures
Connie Welsh
Seeking Spiritual Guidance for Physical Well-Being
Cami Checketts
Seeking Spiritual Guidance in  Marriage Relationships
Kathy Anderson
Seeking Spiritual Guidance in Raising Families
Robin Belliston
Seeking Spiritual Guidance in Financial Affairs
Trena Adams
Instant Choir
Andi Jorgenson

 The Relief Society birthday party is coming up in March.  Look toward the first week in March, there will be good food, and great company.
The annual BYU Women’s Conference will be April 29th & 30th.  The theme is “Choose Ye This Day to Serve the Lord.”  For more information and registration go to: